Secure Coding in ASP.Net Core - 23rd January 2023 - Pluralsight

Developer Security Champion: Secure Authentication Implementation - 4th October 2023 - Pluralsight

Developer Security Champion: API Security - 6th September 2023 - Pluralsight

API Security with the OWASP API Security Top 10 - 11th August 2023 - Pluralsight

ASP.NET ViewState Deserialization Attack Chain - Pluralsight (Lab) - 8th May 2023 - Pluralsight

Exploitation with Kali Linux - 13th March 2023 - Pluralsight

Secure Coding with OWASP in ASP.Net Core 6 - 21st October 2022 - Pluralsight

Web Attacks: SQL Injection (Lab) - 14th June 2022 - Pluralsight

Pen Testing: Reporting - 14th June 2022 - Pluralsight

OWASP Top 10: What's New - 12th November 2021 - Pluralsight

Python Secure Coding Playbook - 2nd September 2021 - Pluralsight

Credential Access with LaZagne - 26th February 2021 - Pluralsight

The Rise of the API...Evolving Security to Match the Web - 10th December 2020 - TechUG

OWASP Top 10: API Security Playbook - 25th September 2020 Pluralsight

Secure Coding: Broken Access Control - 24th April 2020 - Pluralsight

From Builder to Breaker - 26th November 2019 - (ISC)2 North East England

Getting Started With BeEF - 6th November 2019 - Pluralsight

From Builder to Breaker - 29th August 2019 - BSides Manchester (Youtube)

Red Teaming: a View from the Field - 13th June 2019 - OWASP Newcastle

My Path to CSSLP - 4th December 2018 - (ISC)2 North East England

My Path to CSSLP - 25th September 2018 - OWASP Newcastle